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Laguna Brand Identity Presentation

Laguna Brand Identity Presentation

Keen’s development of the Laguna logo is an evolution of the current one. Laguna is a strong brand with a good reputation and this brand recognition needs to be maintained, so a radical departure from Laguna’s current logo is not recommended.
The letterform of the current logo, however, is very Thai. Laguna is expanding to other countries in the region, so this aspect needs to be redeveloped to cater to a wider market and make the brand look more international while maintaining an Asian essence.
By tweaking the logo we have made it more sophisticated and elevated its look to that of a premium brand.

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Boston University School of LAW Graphic Standards Manual

Boston University School of LAW Graphic Standards Manual

Why a Graphic Standards Manual?

And why now? Our corporate colleagues have taught us the benefits of solid branding and marketing. By distinguishing themselves in a competitive marketplace, companies with similar products, such as IBM and Apple, hold distinct identities and gain customer loyalty. Law schools also exist in a competitive market where educational offerings are hard to tell apart. By establishing a unique identity, we can capture the same loyalties.

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The Valleys Heart and Soul of Wales design guidelines

The Valleys Heart and Soul of Wales design guidelines

This guide has been created to ensure consistency and legibility when using ‘The Valleys’ visual identity system.
It is crucial that we use these basics consistently as even small variations may undermine the impact and integrity of the new Valleys brand. These guidelines have been produced to provide direction when working with our new visual identity system.

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BTSA Corporate Identity and Brand Standards Manual

BTSA Corporate Identity and Brand Standards Manual

Evolving for the better. That is the most that nature has followed for thousands of years. In BTSA, we have also evolved to improve, and how could it be otherwise, nature has been our source of inspiration. Therefore, BTSA’s new corporate image has much to do with "what is natural”.

Our relationship with "what is natural" is not new. In fact, the key to the success of BTSA is based on natural products in both raw materials and final compounds. For that reason, we have been faithful to our principles to suit the times, with a new look much more dynamic and current, which allows a clear projection of the future.

We can define our evolution as complete, since we have preserved the best of our past to improve and adapt to this as we lay the foundations for a better future.

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Brand Identity Design-kollektion

Design-Arbeiten der Welt über Markenidentität zu sammeln, Klicken Sie hier , um zu Brand Identity Design-Kollektion gehen.

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