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Boston University School of LAW Graphic Standards Manual

Boston University School of LAW Graphic Standards Manual

Why a Graphic Standards Manual?

And why now? Our corporate colleagues have taught us the benefits of solid branding and marketing. By distinguishing themselves in a competitive marketplace, companies with similar products, such as IBM and Apple, hold distinct identities and gain customer loyalty. Law schools also exist in a competitive market where educational offerings are hard to tell apart. By establishing a unique identity, we can capture the same loyalties.

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Ability One BSC Brand Standards and Guidelines

Ability One BSC Brand Standards and Guidelines

The AbilityOne® BSCTM Base Supply Center retail group harnesses the collective resources of a nationwide network of providers to supply superior products and services to government and military customers through a commercial retail-type setting.
Since the launch of the first BSC in 1995, government customers have appreciated onsite access to thousands of high-quality, competitively priced SKILCRAFT® and other name brand products as well as Hazmat, Individual Equipment Element (IEE) and other services.
Each BSC is developed with the guidance of experts and maintains reliable business practices and sound value through self-inspections, as well as external compliance reviews. BSCs partner with the leadership at their location to satisfy the specific needs of base and installation personnel.

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National Institute for Clinical Excellence Brand Identity Guidelines

National Institute for Clinical Excellence Brand Identity Guidelines


The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has taken on the functions of the Health Development Agency. The new organisation, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, will keep the acronym NICE to ensure continuity and to maintain the instant recognition and credibility of the brand.

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Illinois Office of Tourism Domestic Brand Guidelines 2012

Illinois Office of Tourism Domestic Brand Guidelines 2012

From the Magnificent Mile to Route 66, Illinois offers a wide variety of travel experiences. The unifying force behind these experiences is our Illinois brand.
And the face of that brand is our Illinois logo. By following the logo guidelines set forth in this guide, we will maintain the integrity of our Illinois brand and benefit from its full impact when used across all marketing channels.

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Identidad de Marca Design Collection

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