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  • es un Manual de Marca del Museo Digital. Nuestra colección incluye: manual de marca, pautas de identidad corporativa, estándares gráficos, pautas de identidad visual, libro electrónico de marca, manual de marca, folleto de imagen de marca y guía de estilo de logotipo. es un sitio de publicación y recopilación de recursos abiertos. Recopilamos y organizamos el contenido, pero no somos propietarios de los derechos de autor.

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Microsoft Office 12 Brand Identity Guidelines

Microsoft Office 12 Brand Identity Guidelines

Microsoft® Offi ce has a tremendous history and strong brand equity in the minds of our customers. With the Microsoft Offi ce “12” release, we’ll continue to work to refi ne what Microsoft Offi ce stands for—a system of integrated and easy-to-use products that enable information work. We want to maintain the positive brand associations we have today while building a deeper emotional connection with our customers.

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Roche packaging style guide

Roche packaging style guide

The packaging style guide is part of the Roche corporate identity guidelines. This styleguide describes the design of outer drug packaging, labels and blister packaging.

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Isle of Man Government Corporate Identity Guidelines

Isle of Man Government Corporate Identity Guidelines


Having a visual symbol of our corporate identity serves three purposes. It brings cohesion to the diverse range of material we produce, it identifies us as the originators of the material and it helps keep costs down by saving time in the preparation of specifications.
This guide provides simple, brief advice on how to use our visual identity. I would be grateful if you could read it and refer to it whenever you commission or prepare material, including stationery and electronic publishing.

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Professionals brand identity

Professionals brand identity

Professionals identity new look design rationale

Overall comments

The new marks and logo's makeover moves the Professionals branding to dynamic, forward-moving, exciting, positive and approachable, while retaining the clean crisp finish needed to communicate credibility and professionalism.

As part of the consideration relevant to the brand and how it relates to today’s market, with a focus on a potential large female impact in sales, OZ SOLUTIONS suggested a refinement or enhancement of the existing logo (name, underline and star inclusive) be considered.The suggestion was on the basis of reflecting the image Professionals wishes to have in the marketplace now and in the future and to reflect the elements that customers have indicated via market research that they desire (and demand) in a real estate or property company of choice.

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Identidad de Marca Design Collection

Recoge trabajos de dise?o del mundo acerca de la identidad de marca , Haga clic aquí para ir a la Identidad de Marca Design Collection.

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