Why Software design guidelines?
IBM has historically been known as a computer hardware manufacturer. The market for IBM Software does not currently recognize that IBM is also the world’s largest producer of software.
The IBM Worldwide Software Image Guidelines are based on principles of world-class design and identity management. They reflect the results of customer and employee research and analysis, overall business direction and the goals of the marketing and image strategies.
The purpose of the IBM Worldwide Software Image Guidelines is to:
• Establish a blueprint for creating consistent communications, while still allowing the flexibility to address unique
marketplace needs.
• Maximize brand impact by defining a cohesive worldwide image for all IBM Software communications.
• Increase awareness of IBM Software.
• Maintain IBM Software brand continuity and design integrity across all IBM Software offerings.
• Support key software business strategies.
• Enhance clear communication and reinforce the brand.
While many situations are addressed in this document, issues will arise that have not been anticipated. In these instances, please contact the IBM Software Marketing Manager.
The IBM Worldwide Software Image Guidelines were created to strengthen the IBM Software brand image and identity.
Consistent, high-quality sales promotion materials reflect the quality and reliability of IBM software; by working from a single system of design standards worldwide, creative efforts can focus on developing exceptional content rather than on recreating basic grids each time a piece is produced.
The IBM Worldwide Software Image Guidelines leverage existing equities, including the IBM Worldwide Design Standards and the IBM Software packaging diamond design. This strategy combines the diamond graphic with IBM
typography and style to create a distinctive impression and to build image identity in the marketplace.
It is very difficult to break through the clutter in software merchandising, particularly print. The diamond design
element, integrated in a sensible way with photographs or graphics and minimal text, will help to accomplish this goal. The IBM logo has measurable value, which, when combined with the diamond design element across software categories, will strengthen both identity and brand recognition.
The diamond is contemporary, dynamic, assertive, intriguing and unique. It serves as a window, leading the viewer into the nature and applications of the software product, and compels the viewer to look beyond the surface.
Consistent use and placement of the diamond graphic creates a visual identity that will make IBM Software mmediately recognizable and distinguish it from the competition. The grid and visual elements provide for lexibility and limitless design possibilities.
Through careful research and refinement, the IBM Worldwide Software Image Guidelines have been developed to be:
• Flexible: they offer the flexibility to differentiate individual product offerings.
• Versatile: they provide guidelines for effective applications across all media.
• Easy to use: they are designed to beimplemented quickly and easily.
• Enduring: they establish a long-term “look,” yet encourage ongoing visual interpretation and adaptation.
• Image-building: they strengthen and maintain design integrity across all IBM software brands.
These guidelines are designed to provide a framework that can be adapted to IBM’s diverse software promotion requirements.
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