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Use of the logo and graphic marks
The UEFA EURO 2012. brand manual can only be used by authorised parties who have been granted the necessary rights by UEFA. This brand manual outlines the graphic principles, the colours, the graphic arrangements, template solutions and the rules of association between the o!cial marks and logos.
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This brand book has been designed to introduce you to the concept behind the Cellebrite Brand and guide you through the basic elements of our brand identity.
This book is for the exclusive use of those associated with implementing the Cellebrite Brand.
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We are excited to introduce you to the new event identity for the Royal Air Force Waddington International Air Show. Regularly attracting over 135,000 visitors each year, the event is the largest of all RAF air shows and one of the biggest and most popular outdoor summer events in the UK. The main objective of the Air Show is to raise public awareness and understanding of the RAF and its role today. Proceeds from the Air Show are distributed to the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, the Royal Air Forces Association and to local charities supported by Royal Air Force Waddington.
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Das wdr Design Manual ist kein Gestaltungshandbuch, das starr und schematisch die Platzierung von Schrift, Bild und Markenzeichen festlegt, sondern ein Hilfsmittel, das anhand konkreter Beispiele darstellt, wie durch überlegten Umgang mit den Gestaltungselementen des wdr Designs ein lebendiges, unverwechselbares und selbstbewusstes Unternehmensbild kommuniziert wird.
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