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This document sets out the rules and responsibilities applicable to all information and promotion activities related to the implementation of the Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme (“LSCP” or “Programme”), regardless of whether these activities are undertaken by Executing Agencies of projects financed or cofinanced by the LSCP, by Latvian Intermediate Bodies, the National Coordination Unit (NCU), or the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), as the case may be through the Swiss Contribution Office for Latvia (SCO).

Our corporate identity is the face and personality we project to the external community. It is as important as the products and services we provide. The reputation and recognition of the name “OneBlood” is an asset we must protect.

Every day thousands of people are made aware of our brand—whether it’s from seeing one of our buses, reading our printed materials, or interacting with one of our team members.

Like the Paralympic Movement itself, the Paralympic brand has evolved dynamically over the years. Adopted in 2003, the Paralympic Symbol – the three Agitos, from Latin meaning “I move” – symbolises constant motion, always moving forward and never giving up. And its circular character embodies the bringing together of athletes from all corners of the world.

Ultimately, we strive for the Paralympic Symbol to be universally recognised throughout the world as representing sporting excellence and the Paralympic values of courage, determination, inspiration and equality. I believe the IPC Brand Book is a milestone that will drive us forward in a fresh and exciting direction.

This Graphic Standard Manual was established in order to guide the use and protect the brand identity of the Canada Games Council, the Canada Games and the Canada Games Movement. This following pages will provide templates, policies and procedures that ensure the use of the Canada Games logo, pictograms and wordmark(s) is consistent and maintain the highest possible standard for reproduction.

Welcome to Metro’s corporate identity design manual
Metro’s corporate identity was originally created in the late 1980s. Since that time it has been amended and updated to provide an identity that communicates the values of the organisation and is easily identifiable and understood by its customers.

Great brand identities don’t just happen.
They aren’t just a nice logo, a catchy name or a memorable communication program.
Our brand identity began as a reflection of how we wanted to be perceived.

First impressions — even subconscious ones — are often indelible. They powerfully shape the decisions of the very individuals and institutions
Our various communication materials— invitations, brochures, publications, posters, gift items — are sent out daily into the world, where they are seen and read by thousands. Some of these recipients will be friends of the university, and know it well. Others will be forming that all-important first impression.

The origins of the Gisborne District Council brand are self evident. Nevertheless there is a story that it tells and a story to be told about it, especially concerning its form and colour.

The brand has an intimate connection to Te Tairāwhiti as a region and community. It is steeped in cultural heritage, a relevance that touches all corners of the cultural diversity, giving our place to live, work and play its very own unique character. Tairāwhiti – meaning – The coast (Tai) where the sun (rā) shines (whiti).

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