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The IRISS brand identity is unique. Our visual identity is one of the most important aspects of our brand. It shapes how people see us. It’s crucial that the brand appears correctly and consistently in every communication. These simple rules and guidelines need to be followed when using elements from the IRISS branding to ensure that we communicate consistently and speak the same visual language.

USAID's framework legislation, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, section 641, requires that all programs under the Foreign Assistance Act be identified appropriately overseas as "American Aid."

Further, since 9/11, America's foreign assistance programs have been more fully integrated into the United States' National Security Strategy. This elevation to the so-called "third-D" (development being added to diplomacy and defense) increased the need for U.S. foreign assistance activities to be more fully identified in the host country as being provided "from the American People." We have been identified as "America's good-news story" and have been tasked to make our efforts more visible and better known in the countries where we work.

A successful brand does not only speak about the product it sells, but also portrays the company, including the people that work for it and the values that guide their decisions and actions.

The purpose of this manual is to define the identity elements that make up the Great American Conference, explain how to properly use these elements and to provide examples that will assist you in their usage. This manual will also provide you with a thorough understanding of the premise of the Great American Conference, what we hope to communicate, why, and ultimately how to properly convey them to an audience.

The corporative style guide is a reference document that includes useful information and templates to assist you in creating various documents. Correct and consistent use of our logo and adherence to these corporate branding guidelines will help to raise public awareness and appreciation of the work that we do.


It is important that the EL DORADO brand identity is used consistently, however or wherever it is used. It is equally important that the identity is not allowed to drift or to become corrupted.

The most important element is the EL DORADO logo which is designed in a number of versions in order to ensure flexibility of use in different applications.

BPAY is the leading electronic bill presentment and payment service in Australia. Both BPAY and BPAY View? are registered to BPAY Pty Ltd. ABN 69 079 137 518.

Since 1997 the BPAY logo has become a distinctive symbol that is recognized and remembered by bill payers. The health of the BPAY brand is largely a result of billers and financial institutions effectively and consistently communicating the brand across all mediums, both printed and electronic.

A successful brand does not only speak about the product it sells, but also portrays the company, including the people that work for it and the values that guide their decisions and actions.

The Association for Corporate Growth® (ACG) drives middle-market growth. Through consistent application of ACG’s unique brand signature, typography, colors and imagery detailed in these standards, communications at all levels will reflect ACG’s mission and present a unified, consistent image across the world.

Our brand is the face and personality of Almasa. As important as our services, our brand is the comprehensive effect of our logos, products, trademarks, advertising, brochures and presentations-everything that represents Almasa.

We created this document to introduce our branding elements and provide the tools you need to help Almasa maintain a uniform corporate identity. The guidelines in this document are not meant to inhibit, but to improve the creative process. By will accurately and cohesively represent Almasa.

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