The Ryerson University Alumni Graphic Standards booklet has been developed as a resource for those who create marketing and communications materials related to the Alumni Relations Office. This book operates as an addendum to the existing Ryerson University Graphic Standards Manual and incorporates Ryerson University’s branding guidelines.

This document presents the official visual guidelines for all weblogs (blogs) that fall within the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) domain, available both internally (O-Zone) and externally to the public. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for members of the OHSU community who currently maintain a blog.

CMU ranks among the Midwest’s leading private universities dedicated to fully preparing students through academic excellence, personal attention, critical thinking, knowledge access, career development and servant leadership. A CMU student does not settle for mediocrity, but “aspires” to academic excellence and social consciousness so that he or she is fully equipped to lead and serve in the local and global community.

The Veolia World Solar Challenge Masterbrand is based upon a set of graphic elements: the sun symbol, the logo type, the corporate typeface and the corporate colours. The standards outlined in these guidelines apply to all advertising, print signage and promotional items.

Pitchero is a global sports network providing free custom websites for amateur and semi professional sports organisations

Most of us can identify hundreds of brands simply by their colour, graphic style or font. We only identify with a brand when it chimes with our own values, aspirations or beliefs..

The Calvary Baptist brand is a visual expression and reflection of the church it represents. It is the identity, perception and expectation of the church in the minds of people in the community. To be effective, it must be distinctive, memorable and consistent. The brand is more than just the logo, and includes colors and fonts as well as design and photography style. The Calvary brand is created through every form of communication from business cards and internal publications, to direct mail, signage, the web, and in many other ways as well.

The property market is more competitive than ever, that’s why it’s important to have a distinctive, simple and consistent brand identity. This new Property People logo is the graphic representation of our company and the values it stands for. It identifies us to the world, displaying an image that is both strong and approachable.

In September 2008, the NAHB Board of Directors adopted a new NAHB Brand Portfolio Strategy. NAHB moved from a system of under-leveraged and dissociated brand offerings to a strongly master-branded system. This move is meant to build strength in the NAHB brand and, through greater linkage to each of our offerings, make those offerings (both individually and as a group) stronger and better able to serve the Members.

Often it’s the most trying events that unite the greatest causes, bringing different groups with common goals to the same table.

With a collective voice and a united front, diverse organizations stand to create a movement far larger and more powerful than the sum of their separate parts.

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