Jueves, 28 Noviembre 2013 03:00

YMCA of the USA Graphic Standards Guide

With every interaction, we make an impression. Whether it is a conversation, a smile, a sign or a community initiative, our decisions, our actions and our communications should convey what the Y stands for and the benefits we offer. The more intentional and consistent our interactions are, the more powerful our promise to strengthen community becomes.

We are well on our way to becoming an organization that not only has a familiar name, but also provides a consistent experience for everyone that encounters us. Together, we are shaping perception, further engaging members and participants, and increasing the support we need to carry out our promise.

Miércoles, 27 Noviembre 2013 03:00

North Carolina at Asheville University Brand Manual

Our Time to Shine
“Model, inspire, reward and celebrate intellectual pursuit, creative and confident inquiry, and active engagement with the world around us as our highest order of responsibility and joy.”

Those words, from our UNC Asheville Strategic Plan, reflect the core values and inquisitive spirit of this vibrant university. It was with the same sense of responsibility and joy that we embarked upon a journey to define and refine the University brand— an exercise that will allow us to speak to the world with one confident voice about the amazing things happening at UNC Asheville.

The LIVE UNITED/United Way Lock-Up is our primary signature and should be the default signature for all communications, except in special circumstances.

This Lock-Up has been created using precise proportional relationships.The white box forms an integral part of the LIVE UNITED/United Way Lock-Up and should not be removed or altered in any way. The Lock-Up is fixed artwork and should only be reproduced from authorized artwork.

Viernes, 15 Noviembre 2013 03:00

LAU University Brand Manual

First impressions — even subconscious ones — are often indelible. They powerfully shape the decisions of the very individuals and institutions
Our various communication materials— invitations, brochures, publications, posters, gift items — are sent out daily into the world, where they are seen and read by thousands. Some of these recipients will be friends of the university, and know it well. Others will be forming that all-important first impression.

Jueves, 14 Noviembre 2013 03:00

Laguna Brand Identity Presentation

Keen’s development of the Laguna logo is an evolution of the current one. Laguna is a strong brand with a good reputation and this brand recognition needs to be maintained, so a radical departure from Laguna’s current logo is not recommended.
The letterform of the current logo, however, is very Thai. Laguna is expanding to other countries in the region, so this aspect needs to be redeveloped to cater to a wider market and make the brand look more international while maintaining an Asian essence.
By tweaking the logo we have made it more sophisticated and elevated its look to that of a premium brand.

Miércoles, 13 Noviembre 2013 03:00

Blip Identity Guidelines

These guidelines have been created to help standardize the Blip graphic identity. The pages that follow explain the essential elements of the identity system and demonstrate their correct use across a broad sampling of applications and media.

Martes, 12 Noviembre 2013 03:00

JW Marriorr Brand Identity Standards

The goal when developing the JW Marriott Brand Voice system was to establish a cohesive brand that is recognized globally. At the same time, JW Marriott is a growing international brand that consists of over 45 distinct and unique properties across the world. Plus, the target guests desire a sense of place and a deep understanding of the destination. In order to give the properties an opportunity to reflect both the brand and the local area, the JW Marriott visual identity allows for property customization.

Lunes, 11 Noviembre 2013 03:00

Banif Crupo Financeiro Brand Book

The history of the Banif Financial Group dates back to 15 January 1988 and the incorporation of Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal, which took over the existing assets and liabilities of the defunct Caixa Económica do Funchal, a small and struggling regionally-based institution.

This ambitious project led by a group of private investors, including notably Comendador Horácio Roque, concentrated initially on rehabilitating the institution and creating the foundations for its sustainability in future. Having rapidly achieved this original objective, Banif was soon ready to broaden its horizons and expand into mainland Portugal. Setting itself the strategic aim of becoming a leading player in the Portuguese market, Banif invested in a network of branches to develop its banking business and launched strategic partnerships in other areas of the financial industry.

Welcome to Essar Hypermart – a steel retail network that has revolutionised the steel business in India and created new business paradigms. Today, Essar Hypermart operates an ever-increasing pan-India network of over 85 Hypermarts and 300 Expressmarts, and has emerged as the preferred choice for steel buyers across the country.

The Hungary Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme is to be implemented in the period of 2007-2013 on the external border of the participating EU Member States with Ukraine.

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