Freddy was confined to a hospital bed in his hometown in Kenya—he had a collapsed L4-L5 vertebrae which resulted in severe pain in his back and no mobility in his legs. With no access to appropriate medical care, Freddy had little hope and accepted that he probably only had a few weeks or months left to live.

We often celebrate the richness of Texas by remembering past generations whose physical might and personal grit harnessed the resources of this land and built the state we know today. It is only right and proper to honor the legacy we have been granted, and we do this most sincerely by devoting ourselves to carrying on and building a more prosperous future for the people of this state.

Miércoles, 24 Octubre 2012 20:00

BC Transit Corporate Graphic Standards

As a Crown Corporation that strives to deliver safe, effective and efficient service in over 50 communities across the province, a key component to building customer trust and confidence is a professional brand that’s consistent across all BC Transit systems.

Martes, 23 Octubre 2012 20:00

Local Healthwatch Visual Brand Guidelines

Healthwatch gives people across England a new way to engage with their local health and social care services.
Every voice counts when it comes to shaping the future of health and social care, and improving it for today. Everything that local Healthwatch does will bring the voice and influence of local people to the development and delivery of local services.

Lunes, 22 Octubre 2012 20:00

Business in You Identity Guidelines

The Business in You campaign is a national partnership between private enterprise and the Government, committed to inspiring and supporting entrepreneurs as they start and grow their businesses.It draws together and signposts the inspiration, advice, funding and support that people need to make their business ambitions a reality.

Domingo, 21 Octubre 2012 20:00

Sonoma County Identity Guidelines

Over the past two years, Sonoma County Vintners, Winegrape Commission, and Tourism Bureau have worked to establish a common identity for Sonoma County. We felt it wasn’t just enough to share the “Sonoma County” name; we needed to know what that name stands for and how it differentiates us from other wine regions throughout the world.

From the Magnificent Mile to Route 66, Illinois offers a wide variety of travel experiences. The unifying force behind these experiences is our Illinois brand.
And the face of that brand is our Illinois logo. By following the logo guidelines set forth in this guide, we will maintain the integrity of our Illinois brand and benefit from its full impact when used across all marketing channels.

The University of South Australia operates in a competitive tertiary education sector where reputation, name and image are valuable assets.
These directly influence the choices that people make about where to study, research, work or invest funds to support university activities. The rapid rise in accolades and achievements by the University in recent years is not always reflected in the public perception of our institution. This will take time to develop, but must be supported at every opportunity with appropriate and consistent branding in all of our communications with our many audiences.

Martes, 16 Octubre 2012 20:00

Pembina Visual Identity User Guide

This guide has been prepared to ensure the proper reproduction and use of Pembina Pipeline Corporation’s logo and visual identity standards. The brand is a reflection of Pembina’s reputation, values, integrity and history and must be respected in its application.

Lunes, 15 Octubre 2012 20:00

SR Gopal Rao Brand Identity Manual

This document lays down the usage guidelines for the “S. R. GOPAL RAO” logo. These guidelines show the correct treatment of the SRGR logo in stationeries, collaterals, advertisements, promotions, packaging, manuals, internet and other communication materials. This version of the SRGR logo should be used in all communication pertaining to SRGR logo.

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