dimanche, 29 décembre 2013 19:00

Knowledge Kids Visual Identity guide 2013

Every day from 6 am to 6 pm on British Columbia’s Knowledge Network, you’ll find the best and brightest shows for kids, all completely commercial-free. Shows that are playful. Shows that inspire. Shows that teach kids about the world around them and ideas like cooperation, empathy, friendship and problem solving. Always leaving them with a smile on their face and a story in their heart.

This document sets out the rules and responsibilities applicable to all information and promotion activities related to the implementation of the Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme (“LSCP” or “Programme”), regardless of whether these activities are undertaken by Executing Agencies of projects financed or cofinanced by the LSCP, by Latvian Intermediate Bodies, the National Coordination Unit (NCU), or the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), as the case may be through the Swiss Contribution Office for Latvia (SCO).

mercredi, 25 décembre 2013 19:00

OneBlood Graphic Standards Guide

Our corporate identity is the face and personality we project to the external community. It is as important as the products and services we provide. The reputation and recognition of the name “OneBlood” is an asset we must protect.

Every day thousands of people are made aware of our brand—whether it’s from seeing one of our buses, reading our printed materials, or interacting with one of our team members.

mercredi, 25 décembre 2013 03:00

Nvidia Quadro Partner Brand Guidelines

NVIDIA designs, builds, and tests all NVIDIA Quadro, Tesla, and NVS GPUs.

The controlled production of NVIDIA® Quadro®,Tesla®, and NVS™ GPUs results in higher quality and reliability for professional customers.

Like the Paralympic Movement itself, the Paralympic brand has evolved dynamically over the years. Adopted in 2003, the Paralympic Symbol – the three Agitos, from Latin meaning “I move” – symbolises constant motion, always moving forward and never giving up. And its circular character embodies the bringing together of athletes from all corners of the world.

Ultimately, we strive for the Paralympic Symbol to be universally recognised throughout the world as representing sporting excellence and the Paralympic values of courage, determination, inspiration and equality. I believe the IPC Brand Book is a milestone that will drive us forward in a fresh and exciting direction.

As Teachers College prepares to celebrate the 125th anniversary of its founding, we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to tell the TC story – our rich history , our legacy of “firsts” and our positive impact on the community. Now is our time to reinvent ourselves by building on our strengths, embracing our distinctions and creating an institution that honors the past while transforming the future. We are celebrating a tradition for tomorrow.

vendredi, 20 décembre 2013 03:00

Jeux Du Canada Games Visual Standards Guide

This Graphic Standard Manual was established in order to guide the use and protect the brand identity of the Canada Games Council, the Canada Games and the Canada Games Movement. This following pages will provide templates, policies and procedures that ensure the use of the Canada Games logo, pictograms and wordmark(s) is consistent and maintain the highest possible standard for reproduction.

jeudi, 19 décembre 2013 03:00

Ulvang Brand Book

Dette er merkevaren Ulvangs brand book. En håndbok som beskriver Ulvangs identitet – med andre ord hvordan merkevaren skal presenteres og forvaltes i alle kanaler. Ulvangs visuelle identitet skal fremheve og understreke merkevarens særpreg ved å fremheve de stemninger og opplevelser merkevaren skal skape. Hovedelementene i den visuelle identiteten er merkevarens logo og øvrige designelementer, dens utvalgte farger, bildemanér og typografi . Det er i hovedsak disse elementene som skal gjøre Ulvang gjenkjennelig og enkel å differensiere i mengden av aktører på markedet.

mercredi, 18 décembre 2013 03:00

Steer Davies Gleave Brand and communications

The core areas that define our practice are movement, environment and identity.

Our work covers wayfinding, urban environments, information systems, brand strategy, consultation and communication.

mardi, 17 décembre 2013 03:00

Pegadaian Brand Identity Guideline

Brand (corporate brand) yang besar dibangun secara menyeluruh. Sebuah brand dibutuhkan untuk menginspirasi dan memotivasi tiap individu di dalam sebuah organisasi, dari CEO hingga seluruh karyawan sebelum ke tahap mengkomunikasikannya ke publik.

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