Acht Jahre sind vergangen seit der letzten überarbeitung unseres optischen Erscheinungsbilds, des Corporate Designs (CD). Selbst eine altehrwürdige Institution wie die unsere muss mit der Zeit gehen. Unser Umfeld entwickelt sich dynamisch und so war es angezeigt, das CD zu überarbeiten. Ziel war vor allem die Erhahung der Anwendungsfreundlichkeit, was bei einer so heterogenen Organisation kein triviales Unterfangen ist. Je einfacher sich das CD anwenden lasst, desto starker die Prasenz, desto haher die Wirkung.

Der Touring Club Schweiz (TCS) stärkt seit Oktober 2011 mit seiner Repositionierung und dem neuen Corporate Design seine Position im Schweizer Markt.

Der TCS verfolgt neu eine Dachmarkenstrategie, das heisst, alle Leistungen werden unter der Marke TCS geführt. Mit dem Markenversprechen «Als führende Mobilitätsgemeinschaft der Schweiz verpflichten wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern zu helfen, sorgenfrei unterwegs zu sein» positioniert sich der TCS nahe bei den Bedürfnissen seiner Mitglieder. Das neue Corporate Design setzt die Dachmarkenstrategie konsequent um. Es stellt sicher, dass der TCS sichtbarer und leichter wiedererkennbar wird.

Standing out
How we connect with our audience has a lot to do with how we present ourselves as a brand. But branding is more than just a name and a logo. It’s a representation of who we are and why we’re different. When we communicate about our university, the right words, images and design can reveal who we are – which is just as important as what we do.

Building a global brand
These guidelines will significantly improve the visual presentation of publications, fact sheets, and other common communications, as well as standardise stationery and business cards. It provides guidelines and templates for the design of materials. It will help the Agency project a more unified image that creates instant recognition.

dimanche, 16 décembre 2012 19:00

Trick or Treat for Unicef Brand Guidelines 2012

As one of the longest-running youth volunteer initiatives in America, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has a deep-rooted history of child empowerment. On Halloween night in 1950, the original “kids helping kids” program launched, as girls and boys across the nation collected coins to aid children still affected by World War II. This humble effort was the beginning of a yearly tradition dedicated to ending the unnecessary suffering of the world’s most vulnerable children.
Today, the mission still resonates, with the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF brand as fresh and relevant as ever. The brand remains engaging for children with the addition of our new character choices, while still evoking a sense of nostalgia in parents and teachers (our secondary audience).

jeudi, 13 décembre 2012 19:00

Happil-E Visual Identity Manual

This manual is an Adobe Acrobat 8.0 PDF file for viewing on Macintosh or Windows platforms. We recommend downloading the file and viewing it on your desktop. All entries on the contents page are linked to their respective pages. The complete file or its individual pages can also be printed on 8.5” x 11” paper, preferably using a color printer.

2012 will mark an important milestone in the University of Limerick’s history as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the admission of our first cohort of students in 1972. The dominant element of UL's achievements in that time has been innovation – innovative programmes, innovative research, innovative staff, students and graduates who have made a significant difference in their lives and careers around Ireland and across the world. The occasion will be marked by a series of events and initiatives during the Academic Year 2012-13, celebrating ‘UL40’.

mardi, 11 décembre 2012 19:00

Pannar Corporate Identity Manual

We live in a business environment in which the public is overwhelmed by competing trade names and symbols.
A Corporate Identity Programme helps project a strong, consistent and easily-recognisable image of a company through all its written and visual communications.

View All Pages and Download the PDF File

lundi, 10 décembre 2012 19:00

TEDCO Brand Guidelines

The purpose of these brand guidelines is to explain the use of the TEDCO brand and to reinforce consistent application of visual elements in all communications. This includes publications, presentations, and all other marketing materials.
If you have any problems or are in any doubt on any element of the TEDCO brand please contact Alexandra Wiley, Marketing Manager.

lundi, 10 décembre 2012 16:57

Cyclops Beer Brand Guidelines

Cyclops® was developed by a group of industry bodies to help to de-mystify beer. For too long we have used long, flamboyant tasting notes which can mean little to bar staff and makes it very hard for drinkers to understand what it is that they like about certain beers.
The principal of Cyclops® is therefore simple: to give consumers and bar staff clear, concise information about the look, smell and taste of a beer.

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