日, 24 6月 2012 20:00

Sony VAIO Brand Guidelines

The purpose of this style guide is not to restrict creativity, but to provide helpful guidelines to enable Sony staff, partners and suppliers to express the VAIO brand effectively across a wide range of applications and media. Some of these guidelines may be modified over time, and updated specifications will be published accordingly.
木, 21 6月 2012 20:00

Motability Scheme Brand Book

The Motability Scheme began in 1978 and since then it has changed the lives of almost 700,000 disabled people and their families in the UK.
By the mid 1970s almost every household in the country owned a car. But disabled people were missing out. As a result, many people were housebound for long periods and often dependent on others for their mobility.
Before the introduction of the Mobility Allowance in 1976, only disabled people who could drive themselves got any government help with personal transport. It was usually in the form of a small car provided to disabled couples, to people responsible for the sole care of a disabled child and to a category called “war disabled”. An allowance was paid to disabled people who actually owned a car. But most people were supplied with a small, blue, single-seat, three wheeled, motorised “invalid trike”, which was incapable of carrying passengers.
水, 20 6月 2012 20:00

real standards guide external

Purpose of This Document
The Real brand consists not only of brand marks or logos but also the basic architecture of product and services names applied to various assets we own as a company. The purpose of this document is to provide a set of guidelines to help facilitate and inspire communications that build and maintain the Real brand we are striving to embrace.
A brand is only as strong as the consistency of the communication materials used to express it. Messages that deviate from the brand will be confusing to the audience and weaken the equity of the brand. 
All design elements, including our marks, color, typography and messaging play an important role in supporting and reinforcing a consistent identity and visual style for Real. These brand standards have been developed to explain elements of Real's identity and provide guidelines for implementation and management. They help us:
火, 19 6月 2012 20:00

Roanoke Visual Identity Guidelines

Definition of Branding

Branding a city is not unlike branding any product, service, or corporation. A brand is the relationship between the customer and the product. A brand is a promise that delivers a relevant and distinctive value or a set of services.
Effective branding is executed with more than just a logo. Branding is the sum total of all the ways we communicate about the City of Roanoke. It includes:
ENERGY STAR is more than a label awarded for energy efficiency. It is a partnership among government, business, and consumers, united in the pursuit of a common goal—to protect our environment for future generations.
The ENERGY STAR program has been a resounding success over the last decade. Americans have purchased more than 1 billion ENERGY STAR qualified products and thousands of buildings have been improved. More than 7,000 businesses and organizations have become partners, and more than 40% of the American public recognizes the ENERGY STAR.
Das wdr Design Manual ist kein Gestaltungshandbuch, das starr und schematisch die Platzierung von Schrift, Bild und Markenzeichen festlegt, sondern ein Hilfsmittel, das anhand konkreter Beispiele darstellt, wie durch überlegten Umgang mit den Gestaltungselementen des wdr Designs ein lebendiges, unverwechselbares und selbstbewusstes Unternehmensbild kommuniziert wird.
Special Olympics competitions are the core of the movement, showcasing the athletic skills, courage and dignity of thousands of athletes with mental retardation from around the world.
Competitions—from the thousands of local events around the world to the Special Olympics World Games—offer an invaluable opportunity to raise the profile of Special Olympics and reinforce the movement’s visual identity.
Games logos, sports pictograms, print and electronic publications, and signage all come together to create a “Look of the Games” that helps provide an attractive, exciting atmosphere for the competition. The look of the Games also should support Special Olympics’ visual identity, helping creating recognition and awareness as the movement grows worldwide.
According to Interbrand, Intel is the 7th most valuable brand in the world. Appearing on virtually all the world’s PCs, it’s certainly one of the most instantly recognisable. Yet Intel doesn't feature in many of the top 50 graduate employer surveys. By developing a recruitment brand we can help address this, giving readers a clear and consistent impression of what Intel is all about, both as a business and an employer.
Every D&B publication – brochure, catalog or fact sheet – gives us an opportunity to express and reinforce our distinctive identity. It is a chance to remind our audiences of the people behind our brand, our values, and the promises we make to our customers.
D&B communications must be consistent to establish and reinforce awareness of our brand. But consistency doesn’t mean inflexibility. These guidelines provide a consistent framework for a wide variety of design solutions. All of our publications have different communication objectives, but each should also memorably enhance the D&B identity in our readers’ minds.
日, 10 6月 2012 20:00

ablv brand book

AB.LV - a relatively young bank. The positive image of the bank is still taking shape , mainly in personal communication with the employees of the bank customers. It's safe to say that the trust clients - big merit of a professional team AB.LV.
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