Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

Desert Managers Group Graphic Standards

When applying a brand, visual consistency is paramount. Not only does this send a message to the public about the stability of your organization, it also promotes public awareness as they begin to recognize and remember your mark. This book was created to establish guidelines for using the identity of the Desert Managers Group. By following these guidelines, you are establishing a consistent look and identity for your organization.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

Well Wisher Group Brand Manual

All brands built perception and our brand is no different. The perception is built through numerous ways, when a customer experience your products through packaging, pricing after sales etc. which gives the customer a feeling of the brand. The brand image is a promise made and that must be kept at all times.
We build this perception through well design creatives, taglines and other marketing collateral which are consistent in nature. “Its like saying, its my brand these are the colors” This brand ideation manuals gives an comprehensive explanation about the whole process of detailing the logo, colours, office stationary & covering both print as well as digital media.

There is a growing and welcome recognition that in a knowledge economy, institutions of higher education can—and must—be pivotal in generating growth and revitalizing communities.

User's Guide
1. You are lcindly requested to manage the Kia Motors Corporation Cl Standard Manual thoroughly so that it may not be disclosed to external use or be duplicated without permission. In the event that  you need to use it for the purpose of reproduction,e.g. manufacture,etc. it is recommended you to download the correct data from the attached CD-ROM or Cl-net.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

George Mason University Brand Profile

Why Our Brand Matters
It is my pleasure to present this brand profile to the George Mason University message and look. This guide represents a leap forward in our communications, and I am eager for all of us to put it to good use.
Branding is essential in any competitive marketplace. A strong brand commands attention and allows an institution to stand apart from its peers. We all have our personal preferences for brands, whether it’s the kind of phone we use, the beverages we drink, the airlines we fly, or the cars we drive. The bigger the decision, the greater the importance we place on brand.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

Transport for Edinburgh Brand Guidelines

A distinctive new approach to the transport infrastructure of Edinburgh deserves a bold new look. A whole new brand platform has been developed for ‘Transport for Edinburgh’ which has a fresh, future-focused face to show the world.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

Duke Medicine Brand Guidelines

Bold, dynamic and versatile, these core brand elements express the Duke Medicine identity confidently and consistently.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

action/2015 Visual Identity Guidelines

We come together because 2015 is a generational opportunity for transformational change. Two processes (COP-UNFCCC and the finalisation of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda) culminate within months of each other with the potential to shape the future of our people and our planet. Our aim is to inspire actions that empower the marginalised and collectively tackle the root causes of inequality, injustice, poverty and climate change.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

Facebook Product Assets and Identity Guide

Facebook’s mission is to make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

At Facebook, we build tools that help people to connect with one another and tools that make sharing what they want to share—ideas, stories, and photos—much easier.
By doing this, we are extending people’s capacity to build and maintain relationships.

Use these assets and identity guidelines to accurately communicate the Facebook brand.

Dienstag, 09 Dezember 2014 19:00

accoya brand guidelines 2014

Accoya® is the first wood of its kind to become available on a commercial scale. Significant investment has been made in developing the product and its distinctive name and identity.

The values that the Accoya® brand identity encompasses are relevant to everyone, from the pioneers of the product, to partners, shareholders, licensees, customers and, ultimately, to end users. They offer reassurance of quality and reliability and, if all related products and communications carry the brand consistently, everyone in the  chain can be safe in the knowledge that they are dealing with the genuine product.

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