Lunedì, 16 Dicembre 2013 03:00

Half the Sky Movement Identity Guidelines

Every organization has a specific public identity — an identity formed in part by the look of its printed materials, TV appearance, web site, etc. Each element of communication contributes to the overall impression that people have of the organization.
When an organization’s identification program is a coordinated one, it projects a unified character that effectively reinforces all of its activities. The Half the Sky movement is cutting across platforms to ignite the change needed to put an end to the oppression of women and girls worldwide, which is the defining issue of our time.

Welcome to the revised corporate identity guidelines for Durban University of Technology. This identity has been developed by staff and students of Workspace - Work Integrated Learning Design Studio in response to a strategic repositioning plan developed in 2011 and approved by Council in March 2012.
This identity is intended to provide a new platform on which we as TEAM DUT can collectively reposition how we present ourselves to our respective target markets.
This logo and visual identity has been designed to work in tandem with a modular design system, based on the square, with the idea of presenting a unified and single-minded visual voice across a wide range of uses and formats whilst retaining impact.
It is safe to add that no identity is ever complete and that we understand that brand building is an ongoing exercise, in which an identity is constantly being refined.

The Royal Academy of Engineering promotes excellence in the science, art and practice of engineering. We are Britain’s national engineering academy as well as the fellowship of the country’s most eminent engineers.
These guidelines have been created to explain the Royal Academy of Engineering’s visual identity and how it should be used. They are intended for anybody who works with the organisation, whether you are commissioning, designing or delivering communication materials as a member of staff or an external agency.

Mercoledì, 11 Dicembre 2013 03:00

Metro Corporate Identity Guidelines

Welcome to Metro’s corporate identity design manual
Metro’s corporate identity was originally created in the late 1980s. Since that time it has been amended and updated to provide an identity that communicates the values of the organisation and is easily identifiable and understood by its customers.

Martedì, 10 Dicembre 2013 03:00

Grenfell Campus Graphic Standards

Grenfell is on a journey – a journey of self-reflection, of introspection, but also one of reaching out.
Of finding our place – our corner – within Memorial University, within Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, and the world. In 2009, we celebrated a new name that recognizes our namesake, Sir Wilfred Grenfell, as well as our status as a university campus.
Our new brand – the way our presence is represented in the world – characterizes us as a place where people find out who they are and how they can make a difference.

Lunedì, 09 Dicembre 2013 03:00

PSR 2007-2013 Brand Manual

Le indicazioni di seguito fornite fanno riferimento a quanto previsto dall’Allegato VI del Regolamento CE n. 1974/2006.
Si evidenzia in particolare che, per le operazioni del PSR che comportano investimenti di costo complessivo superiore a € 50.000, il beneficiario è tenuto ad affiggere una targa informativa.
Nel luoghi in cui sorgono infrastrutture di costo complessivo superiore a 500.000 deve essere affisso un cartello. Una targa informativa dovrà essere affissa anche presso le sedi dei gruppi di azione locale finanziati dall’asse 4. I cartelli e le targhe devono riportare una descrizione dell’iniziativa nonché i logotipi di seguito riprodotti.

Venerdì, 06 Dicembre 2013 03:00

Algonquin College Brand Identity Guidelines

Great brand identities don’t just happen.
They aren’t just a nice logo, a catchy name or a memorable communication program.
Our brand identity began as a reflection of how we wanted to be perceived.

Giovedì, 05 Dicembre 2013 03:00

Subsea 7 Brand Guidelines Manual

Our brand is really about two things: our personality and appearance. Most of the information in our brand guidelines is designed to help you make sure we present ourselves to the world in a consistent way – whether you are producing a brochure or a new business card, an exhibition stand or a hard hat. But it’s also useful to know something about the less tangible elements of our brand – the things that effectively constitute our brand personality.

Mercoledì, 04 Dicembre 2013 09:27

Dana Petroleum Brand Identity Guidelines

To be credible, a brand needs to be consistent not just in how it looks – but how it sounds. The tempo, emotions and values evoked by a brand’s look and feel must be consistent with the way it speaks and what it says. This includes both internal and external-facing material.

Venerdì, 29 Novembre 2013 03:00

Jwseagon Brand Book

Welcome to the JWSeagon Brand Guidelines manual. We created this book so that all JWSeagon employees, partners and customers would have a clear set of guidelines for producing, programming, designing or writing anything related to JWSeagon. This consistency in communications is what good brand management is all about.

We are a dynamic organization, and accordingly, the identity guidelines are intended to be liberating rather than restricting. This manual covers basic guidelines and provides a range of examples from which we can extract the direction needed to accurately represent JWSeagon in any situation.

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