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Jueves, 16 Agosto 2012 20:00

Maples Visual Identity Manual


Putting a face to a name
You work with the best name in the international and offshore legal world. But why stop there when, collectively, we can compete and win in any arena we choose?
Today, it’s not enough that we simply provide the best advice, the most responsive service or offices in all major time zones.
Miércoles, 15 Agosto 2012 20:00

Siemens Healthcare Campaign Styleguide


Our society is being shaped by two megatrends: urbanization and demographic change.
The latter of these developments, the increasingly aging population of the industrialized nations, is of exceptional significance for Siemens Healthcare, because the demand for and the demands on health care are steadily increasing.
Martes, 14 Agosto 2012 20:00

Trading Partners Brand Book


Whether we like it or not, first impressions count.
To help control that impression among external audiences, brands are created to embody the positive spirit of a company and the nature of its business. Once that brand has been created, it needs to be carefully monitored and adhered to by all stakeholders within the company. Whatever the members of the company do - be it sending a letter, placing an advertisement, attending a meeting or telling a friend about what they do at work - a consistent message should be communicated and the same positive impression should be created.


These corporate identity guidelines have been established to ensure that when we visually present Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service we are consistent and gain maximum impact.
It is important that every member of the Service understands and uses these guidelines so that our corporate image and identity is clear, consistent and effective, whatever the setting, activity or media we are using.


Why a BRAND Standards MANUAL?

Our corporate colleagues have taught us the benefits of solid branding and marketing. By distinguishing themselves in a competitive marketplace, companies with similar products, such as IBM and Apple, hold distinct identities and gain customer loyalty. Associations also exist in a competitive market where unique benefits are hard to tell apart. By establishing a unique identity, we can capture the same loyalties.
Jueves, 09 Agosto 2012 20:00

Ambius Brand Identity Guidelines


These brand identity guidelines will enable you to create a wide range of communication materials for Ambius. They’ll provide you with detailed information on the principles of associated formats, such as signage and livery. By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure that our audiences consistently receive a dynamic yet cohesive expression of the Ambius brand.
Miércoles, 08 Agosto 2012 20:00

Xilinx Brand Identity Graphics Standards

Our corporate brand is one of our most valuable resources
The Xilinx brand is more than just a logo, or an advertising campaign, or a marketing slogan. The Xilinx brand represents the total experience our customers have whenever they engage with our company.

The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance and assistance when commissioning or producing visual communications materials for the Board, across all media, including all forms of print and screen-based delivery.
This document covers a wide range of applications, including stationery, literature, PowerPoint presentations, press advertising and email communications. We also offer guidance on the correct use of the board logo, and advice on the corporate colour scheme.
Also covered are design guidance on display materials, branding on promotional items and the commissioning and art direction of photography.

Lunes, 06 Agosto 2012 20:00

Parkway Health Brand Manual

All commercial and corporate brands have a history of their own; some mythic and others legendary. From the ancient laws of Imperial Rome when the potters’ marks were regulated to ensure quality, to the explosion of branding seen in the twentieth century, the ideal of the value of brand has continued to taunt consumers and owners alike. For over 20 years, the Parkway interest in operating and developing quality private health care in Singapore grew in reputation and scale. With 1000 beds today and three quality hospitals whose reputations have aided Singapore’s own recognition as a regional medical hub, it seems like an opportune time to let birth the new brand.

Domingo, 05 Agosto 2012 20:00

Scion Brand Guidelines

This book is an overview of the visual and emotional language of the SCION brand. It should be used as a guide for creating all expressions of SCION .
Scion is a brand created for youth to personalize.

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