Brand Positioning
Our brand is a promise we make about all things related to the University of Colorado (CU): our campuses, our foundation, and our system. Our brand is more than a name or a signature. Every point of contact we have with our audiences—students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, and others—builds perception about who we are as a university, the things we do to fulfill our mission, and why we are important to our stakeholders.

This guidelines document has been created to define the correct use and creation of marketing communication materials for Western Digital internal hard drive components offered through the Client, Enterprise and AV business units.

ENERGY STAR is more than a label awarded for energy efficiency. It is a partnership among government, business, and consumers, united in the pursuit of a common goal—to protect our environment for future generations.
The ENERGY STAR program has been a resounding success over the last decade. Americans have purchased more than 1 billion ENERGY STAR qualified products and thousands of buildings have been improved. More than 7,000 businesses and organizations have become partners, and more than 40% of the American public recognizes the ENERGY STAR.
Das wdr Design Manual ist kein Gestaltungshandbuch, das starr und schematisch die Platzierung von Schrift, Bild und Markenzeichen festlegt, sondern ein Hilfsmittel, das anhand konkreter Beispiele darstellt, wie durch überlegten Umgang mit den Gestaltungselementen des wdr Designs ein lebendiges, unverwechselbares und selbstbewusstes Unternehmensbild kommuniziert wird.
Special Olympics competitions are the core of the movement, showcasing the athletic skills, courage and dignity of thousands of athletes with mental retardation from around the world.
Competitions—from the thousands of local events around the world to the Special Olympics World Games—offer an invaluable opportunity to raise the profile of Special Olympics and reinforce the movement’s visual identity.
Games logos, sports pictograms, print and electronic publications, and signage all come together to create a “Look of the Games” that helps provide an attractive, exciting atmosphere for the competition. The look of the Games also should support Special Olympics’ visual identity, helping creating recognition and awareness as the movement grows worldwide.

This document sets out procedures and guidelines for all publicity surrounding Doncaster College and its partners.
Using our corporate identity, as advised in this guideline document will ensure that Doncaster College is promoted consistently and professionally at all times.
To ensure that all internal and external marketing materials are conforming to the guidelines they will need to be signed off by the Head of Marketing before proceeding.
If the guidelines set out in this document are not followed the publicity material will be immediately withdrawn by the Senior Management.
In addition, more guidelines on Marketing materials can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions in this document.

jeudi, 04 octobre 2012 20:00

Centurum Brand Standards Manual

Centurum combines the proven talents of our three operating entities,TECHPLAN Corporation, TDS Incorporated, and Klein and Stump Incorporated into an organization uniquely capable of providing the Department of Defense and other federal government agencies with solutions to meet their business needs and support our warfighters every step of the way.

Why Standardize?
Our Strategic Plan 2015 calls for us to become a global university, educating students for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. How can a small school achieve such a big goal? By working together, integrated in everything we do, toward our common vision. One important way we work together is by representing St. Edward’s University with a unified and consistent visual identity.

mardi, 02 octobre 2012 20:00

Life Baptist Church brand standards

Life is unique as a church because we provide Christ-life discipleship in a relational setting to people from Gen X and Y who desire to live their faith—not just talk about it. Visually and in all creative efforts we want to establish a clean and uncluttered environment. The Life brand should represent freedom, clarity and organization with organic elements of expression such as an occasional brush stroke or hand-drawn line. Public-facing materials should never be dark, heavy or overly busy. All materials should be clear, concise and consistent with clean typesetting and plenty of room to breathe.


Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions
This manual has been designed to ensure that actions that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union (EU) though the Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 incorporate information and communication activities designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for the action and the EU support for the action in the country or region concerned, as well as the results and the impact of this support.
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