日, 05 8月 2012 20:00

Scion Brand Guidelines

This book is an overview of the visual and emotional language of the SCION brand. It should be used as a guide for creating all expressions of SCION .
Scion is a brand created for youth to personalize.

木, 02 8月 2012 20:00

Medway Council brand guidelines

Every day Medway Council communicates with residents, businesses and other organisations. Having a strong and consistent identity for the council raises awareness of our services and can help raise satisfaction among residents.

The Mersey Partnership (TMP) has responsibilities for leading and coordinating economic development, inward investment and tourism across the Liverpool City Region.

For our external customers we are Merseyside's sub regional partnership and the single Inward Investment Agency and the Official Tourist Board for the Liverpool City Region.

Our Values are teamwork, excellence, excitement, respect and enterprise and the aim of all of our communications is to reinforce these values.

This document describes the Pratt logo, slogans, colors, images and tools that make up the Library’s graphic identity. It also describes guidelines that show how to use these elements. Adhering to these Identity Guidelines will ensure the Pratt communicates in an organized and cohesive way across it’s many departments and efforts.


Pearson visual identity
The Pearson visual identity is much more than the application of a name and a logo. It is how we present ourselves to our audiences on a day-to-day basis.


These guidelines set out to present the Ministry of Justice correctly.
Visual representations of the Ministry of Justice make a strong impression and consistency is vital if we are to convey a strong authoritative image and build our reputation. If we want people to understand us, to recognise the value of our work and trust us to do a good job, we need to make our communications clear and effective.
木, 26 7月 2012 20:00

Fiat Brand Identity Guidelines


Fiat. A new logo for a new identity
The time has come . Fiat is reflected in the new image. A new identity . A new challenge . A new logo , but one with a past. It is a modern , contemporary reinterpretation of the famous emblem that adorned the 1931-1968 Fiat hoods .
水, 25 7月 2012 20:00

Skype Brand Book How We Look


This is a guide to the basic elements that make up Skype. Have a read, it will help you get to know us a little better.
火, 24 7月 2012 20:00

Connect Icut Brand Standards

A carefully managed and well-implemented brand identity program is essential to presenting a unique, strong and unified image to the world.
The guidelines outlined on the following pages are intended to ensure that the elements of Connecticut’s branding program are used correctly and consistently.
Along with examples of correct usage of the logo, typography, color palette and other elements, specific directions are included to guide the design and production of Connecticut’s tourism communications materials.
Accurate implementation of these brand identity elements will build equity in our brand and strengthen and unify our messages in marketing Connecticut tourism.
We encourage the tourism industry to implement these brand standards throughout all of their promotional materials.

月, 23 7月 2012 20:00

ESAB Visual Identity Guide


ESAB's visual identity is based on a few strong cornerstones: the logotype, our corporate colours, standard typefaces and company signage. When applied to product packaging, buildings or business cards, in exhibitions, brochures or ads, it is recognised and respected worldwide.
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