Centurum combines the proven talents of our three operating entities,TECHPLAN Corporation, TDS Incorporated, and Klein and Stump Incorporated into an organization uniquely capable of providing the Department of Defense and other federal government agencies with solutions to meet their business needs and support our warfighters every step of the way.
Innovative design starts with a designer’s vision...
... exhibitors and visitors at INDEX understand that great design is much more than simply assembling, arranging or editing, it is something that is felt!
Our identity is not just a logo. It is a design scheme composed of a number of core elements that come together to create a distinctive look and feel that makes the Barbican brand instantly recognisable.
SNAP WAV pôsobí na trhu medialnej komunikácie od roku 2000 so zameraním na prácu v oblasti zábavného priemyslu, televízie, kultúry, reklamy a marketingu. m
Pri tvorbe produktov používa najnov¹ie technológie a technológické postupy umocnené bohatými profesionálnymi skúsenos»ami a kreativitou. Úzko spolupracuje s umelcami a kreatívcami hlavne z oblasti súèasného umenia /literatúra, vizual, hudba, film, divadlo
Our corporate brand is one of our most valuable resources
The Xilinx brand is more than just a logo, or an advertising campaign, or a marketing slogan. The Xilinx brand represents the total experience our customers have whenever they engage with our company.