mit ihrem Selbstverstandnis als modernes Dienstleistungs-unternehmen und in der Tradition des grofiten Stadtsohns Johannes Gutenberg mochte die Stadtverwaltung Mainz ihre zahlreichen Aufgaben, Leistungen und Einrichtungen den Burgerinnen und Burgern durch eine zeitgemafee und an-sprechende Darstellung in der Offentlichkeit vermitteln.
Welcome to the Somerset Care Group. We are a leading provider of care and training services in Southern England, and have three principal areas of business activity.
The SUNY Delhi Graphic Standards Manual was created to provide all SUNY Delhi employees and associates with an easy-to-follow set of guidelines that encourage effortless support of the college’s visual identity.
A consistent brand promise that is understood and internalized within an organization is also better understood by external audiences. It becomes a rallying cry and a focal point to inform and inspire everyone connected to the brand. Integration and consistency maximize every opportunity to share our values, mission, and promise. Loyola University Chicago Brand and Graphic Standards provides a guide to everyone responsible for creating communications and marketing materials for the University. The goal of this document is to ensure that the University is represented consistently and optimally through all communications that we have with our many audiences, internal and external. It covers everything from use of logos and other images to tone and voice of our messages. We hope you find it helpful.
The Community Futures logo is a combination of the leaf symbol and the logo type. The precise and unchanging visual relationship between the symbol and logotype forms the basis of the Community Futures common brand. It can not be altered in any way. The symbol can be used alone in predetermined applications (such as forms and documents templates) and in certain specialized marketing applications.
To enhance the recognition of it’s Members, the PGA of Australia has designed a specific PGA Professional logo to more closely identify members with their association in a manageable way. This booklet has been developed to demonstrate to all PGA Members how and where they may use the PGA Professional logo.
Die Identität der Bergwacht Bayern im Bayerischen Roten Kreuz wird durch diese Farbgebung hervorgehoben.
Das Logo setzt sich aus den Elementen Edelweiß, Rotes Kreuz und Schriftzug auf rechteckigem Grund zusammen. Das Markenzeichen der Bergwacht, das Rote Kreuz auf dem Edelweiß, kommt auf dem bayerisch blauen Hintergrund stark zur
Welcome to the AgResearch Visual Identity Guidelines.
These standards describe how the visual identity and the brand architecture will be applied. They should be read in conjunction with the Brand Strategy.

Centurum combines the proven talents of our three operating entities,TECHPLAN Corporation, TDS Incorporated, and Klein and Stump Incorporated into an organization uniquely capable of providing the Department of Defense and other federal government agencies with solutions to meet their business needs and support our warfighters every step of the way.


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