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The members of the University of Delaware community, including our outside partners, are stewards and storytellers of this great University. Our task is to articulate and herald its unique identity to the world. The University of Delaware Brand Style Guide is designed to help all those working at and with UD to be the best ambassadors of its image, reputation and story throughout the world.
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The University of Baltimore is a place of transformation, providing students with the opportunity to discover what they are capable of and the education to achieve it. This is a place for gaining knowledge, for exploration, growth, discovery, creativity and their real-life applications.
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Use of the logo and graphic marks
The UEFA EURO 2012. brand manual can only be used by authorised parties who have been granted the necessary rights by UEFA. This brand manual outlines the graphic principles, the colours, the graphic arrangements, template solutions and the rules of association between the o!cial marks and logos.
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A corporate identity is established by the unified and consistent use of graphic standards. This guide provides general instructions for the application of the JM Eagle identity to a variety of media. The integrity of the JM Eagle identity depends on the strict adherence to these rules and guidelines by all JM Eagle employees and their vendors.
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