The guidelines articulated in this book have been created to reinforce the consistency and accuracy of The Globe and Mail brand and its application for marketing purposes. The importance of brand consistency cannot be overemphasized; upholding these brand principles serves to strengthen your partnership with The Globe and Mail and ensure the integrity of the brand message is protected.
This brand book is intended for The Globe and Mail and its partners. The Globe and Mail reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this guide at any time. Such revisions will be effective immediately upon notice to you, which could be given by any means. The acceptance of this brand book does not grant rights of use. Please refer to your partnership agreement with The Globe and Mail for the explicit rights granted to your organization.
The Globe And Mail Brand Guide
In 1844, Liberal supporter and eventual Father of Confederation, George Brown founded The Globe; a modest weekly publication that quickly grew to include daily readers across the country.
The Mail and Empire, established in 1895 by Tory supporters backed by Sir John A. MacDonald, served as a conservative counterpart to The Globe’s liberal influence, and enjoyed a
successful circulation across Toronto. Under the direction of George McCullagh, the Liberal-allied Globe merged with the Conservative-allied Mail and Empire in 1936 to become The Globe and Mail and truly assume the role of “Canada’s National Newspaper.”
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