A brand is not what you say you are, it’s what others perceive or say you are. A well-conceived, consistently executed visual identity that incorporates strong messaging triggers a positive or desired response from a viewer/user/consumer. This document serves as a style guide to help amateur and professional designers create products that adhere to NYIT’s visual identity in support of the brand.
NYIT’s Brand and Visual Identity
A brand is not what you say you are, it’s what others perceive or say you are. A well-conceived, consistently executed visual identity that incorporates strong messaging triggers a positive or desired response from a viewer/user/consumer. This document serves as a style guide to help amateur and professional designers create products that adhere to NYIT’s visual identity in support of the brand.
What is NYIT’s Brand?
NYIT’s brand is made up of the university’s core competencies: our DNA (technology, entrepreneurship, career-oriented academics, applications-oriented research, and diversity) and our core personality attributes (dynamic, engaging, transformative, focused, resilient, innovative, solution-oriented).
If everything we design and everything we say reinforces one or more of these competencies and attributes, then we have taken great strides to solidify the public’s perception of our brand.
What Constitutes NYIT’s Visual Identity?
The visual framework of the NYIT identity is built from five basic components:
1. Logo
2. Color palette
3. Typography
4. Graphic elements, including photographic style
5. Format guidelines.
Correct use of these five components will ensure that communications produced for NYIT will reinforce a lively, consistent identity and help differentiate NYIT from other colleges competing for prospective students, donors, and other key audiences.
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