What is Brand?
A brand is more than just a name and a logo. A brand is a promise of uniqueness, quality and value. In short, a brand distinguishes an organization and its offerings from the competition and helps build preference and loyalty in an environment where customers have choices.
Car Quest Auto Parts brand identity and logo guidelines
Why is the CARQUEST® Brand Important?
The CARQUEST brand is a valuable asset that creates preference and loyalty for our products and services. Many companies can buy and sell original equipment-quality products, but there is only one CARQUEST brand. Building a strong CARQUEST brand presence will support our positive reputation, separate us from our competition and reinforce the promise that we will consistently deliver excellence in everything we do.
Why is Consistency Important?
Brands define themselves much like people — through words and actions. If the words are consistent and match the actions, the brand grows stronger and its positive reputation is enhanced.
Greater consistency in all we do and say and a disciplined approach to how we communicate with our customers, teammates and other stakeholders will help build the CARQUEST brand.
A consistent look and feel across all communications will also reinforce the impression of an integrated company that speaks with one reliable, strong voice and holds the same values across the entire organization. And while the company will continue to grow and change, the CARQUEST brand and everything it stands for will endure.