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Banif Crupo Financeiro Brand Book

Banif Crupo Financeiro Brand Book

The history of the Banif Financial Group dates back to 15 January 1988 and the incorporation of Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal, which took over the existing assets and liabilities of the defunct Caixa Económica do Funchal, a small and struggling regionally-based institution.

This ambitious project led by a group of private investors, including notably Comendador Horácio Roque, concentrated initially on rehabilitating the institution and creating the foundations for its sustainability in future. Having rapidly achieved this original objective, Banif was soon ready to broaden its horizons and expand into mainland Portugal. Setting itself the strategic aim of becoming a leading player in the Portuguese market, Banif invested in a network of branches to develop its banking business and launched strategic partnerships in other areas of the financial industry.

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Safmarine brand manual

Safmarine brand manual

A company’s visual corporate identity is most effective when it is applied consistently.

The purpose of this manual is to show you how to use all the parts of the new corporate identity correctly and to maximum effect.

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Special Olympics Games Logos and Signage Guide

Special Olympics Games Logos and Signage Guide

Special Olympics competitions are the core of the movement, showcasing the athletic skills, courage and dignity of thousands of athletes with mental retardation from around the world.
Competitions—from the thousands of local events around the world to the Special Olympics World Games—offer an invaluable opportunity to raise the profile of Special Olympics and reinforce the movement’s visual identity.
Games logos, sports pictograms, print and electronic publications, and signage all come together to create a “Look of the Games” that helps provide an attractive, exciting atmosphere for the competition. The look of the Games also should support Special Olympics’ visual identity, helping creating recognition and awareness as the movement grows worldwide.

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PREMIERSHIP Rugby corporate brand guidelines

PREMIERSHIP Rugby corporate brand guidelines

Premiership Rugby is the organisation which represents the 12 professional Rugby Union clubs, who compete in the Premiership Rugby competition, the European Cup, the Anglo-Welsh Cup and the Premiership Rugby 7s Series.

Premiership Rugby’s main objectives are to:
• Build greater awareness of rugby union at elite club level
• Drive commercial revenues and attendances
• Ensure the long-term viability of its clubs and tournaments
• Create and implement on behalf of the clubs mid- and long-term strategies for the benefit of the club game

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