is a Digital Museum of Brand Manual, Our collection includes: brand manual, corporate identity guidelines, graphic standards, visual identity guidelines, brand ebook, brand handbook, brand image brochure, and logo style guide. is an open resource collection and publishing site, We collect and organize the content, but we do not own the copyright.
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Brand Manual Download Recommends
We carefully selected from a lot of brand manual (corporate brand identity guidelines), provide the simple description and the download link. Click here to jump to recommend page.
Graduate Center City University of New York identity guidelines
Looks change as we mature and they reflect, to some degree, our experience and character. This evolution of appearance is as true for institutions as it is for individuals. As we approach our 50th anniversary year, we recognize the need for an appearance that reflects the stature, scope and uniqueness of The Graduate Center today. As a result, we have engaged in a rebranding exercise executed in collaboration with C&G Partners that has given us a new logo and accompanying visual vocabulary detailed in these Graphic Standards Guidelines.
Duke Energy brand standards
CCMB CancerCar Manitoba Graphic Standards Manual
CCMB CancerCar Manitoba Graphic Standards Manual Contents
WorldFish Corporate Identity Produced by the Communications and Donor Relations Division
WorldFish is proud of its reputation as a leading research center that reduces poverty and hunger around the world. For us to continue to do this e!ectively, we must communicate with our partners, investors and bene"ciaries with a single uni"ed voice. By following the guidelines in this manual we can deliver more compelling and more consistent messages.
Brand Identity Design Collection
Collect design works of the world about brand identity, Click here to go to Brand Identity Design Collection.