est un manuel du musée numérique de la marque. Notre collection comprend : un manuel de la marque, des directives d'identité d'entreprise, des normes graphiques, des directives d'identité visuelle, un ebook de marque, un manuel de marque, une brochure d'image de marque et un guide de style de logo. est un site de collection et de publication de ressources ouvertes. Nous collectons et organisons le contenu, mais nous ne possédons pas les droits d'auteur.
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The Motability Scheme began in 1978 and since then it has changed the lives of almost 700,000 disabled people and their families in the UK.
By the mid 1970s almost every household in the country owned a car. But disabled people were missing out. As a result, many people were housebound for long periods and often dependent on others for their mobility.
Before the introduction of the Mobility Allowance in 1976, only disabled people who could drive themselves got any government help with personal transport. It was usually in the form of a small car provided to disabled couples, to people responsible for the sole care of a disabled child and to a category called “war disabled”. An allowance was paid to disabled people who actually owned a car. But most people were supplied with a small, blue, single-seat, three wheeled, motorised “invalid trike”, which was incapable of carrying passengers.
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This guide introduces and explains the new visual identity for the EPCR Champions Cup Season 2015/16, illustrated with examples.
The new identity has been carefully designed to enhance the Champions Cup tournament¡¯s pre-eminent position within European Club Rugby, to complement the new EPCR brand identity and represent the brand values of both.
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The Challenge Program on Water and Food was launched in 2002 as a reform initiative of the CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. CPWF aims to increase the resilience of social and ecological systems through better water management for food production (crops, fisheries and livestock).
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No other company in the world connects and protects the flow of power and data in more products than TE Connectivity.As our company has evolved over more than 50 years, so has our business strategy and focus. We are changing our name to TE Connectivity to better reflect who we are and what we do.In a world that is now increasingly connected, we provide connectivity solutions across almost every industry around the globe.
Our new brand will become one of our most valuable assets.It must be communicated and applied consistently and accurately to maintain its strength and integrity. This overview document provides the resources to accurately portray the brand and communicate the attributes and qualities of our company.
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