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Thawte is a globally recognized certificate authority that has been delivering comprehensive trusted services for more than a decade. We enable businesses and individuals to communicate and transact securely, by verifying and authenticating their identity.Since 1995, Thawte has issued more than 620,000 SSL Certificates in over 190 different countries. In fact, Thawte was the first certificate authority to offer public SSL Certificates outside of the United States. The Thawte brand is a collective expression of the company’s vision, values, technology, people, and partnerships. By effectively and consistently delivering the brand message, Thawte will be able to influence how a prospect, customer, and the industry view our company.To be effective, branding must set our company apart from the competition, specifically by conveying Thawte SSL solutions as full-featured, comprehensive, internationally focused, and modestly priced.
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Welcome to the visual guidelines for the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).
WBENC is the nation’s premier third-party certifier of women’s business enterprises and America’s leading advocate for the inclusion of women in the nation’s commercial economy.
These guidelines will reinforce the value of WBENC membership and increase national recognition for what WBENC membership means in today’s business world.
What does WBENC membership mean?
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The University of Baltimore is a place of transformation, providing students with the opportunity to discover what they are capable of and the education to achieve it. This is a place for gaining knowledge, for exploration, growth, discovery, creativity and their real-life applications.
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Why Standardize?
Our Strategic Plan 2015 calls for us to become a global university, educating students for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. How can a small school achieve such a big goal? By working together, integrated in everything we do, toward our common vision. One important way we work together is by representing St. Edward’s University with a unified and consistent visual identity.
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