このサイトのすべてのファイル、画像、オーディオ/ビデオファイル、商標、テキスト翻訳、およびその他の資料は、正当な作成者および所有者に帰属します。 BrandEbook.comは、これらの資料の著作権を主張するものではありません。
A brand is not what you say you are, it’s what others perceive or say you are. A well-conceived, consistently executed visual identity that incorporates strong messaging triggers a positive or desired response from a viewer/user/consumer. This document serves as a style guide to help amateur and professional designers create products that adhere to NYIT’s visual identity in support of the brand.
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Achievement of a cohesive brand is a top priority for AONB Partnerships and Conservation Boards.
This was agreed at Conference 2010.
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This Best Western Plus Brand Identity Manual – Asia (Printed Materials Only) gives you the information necessary to help you correctly use the Best Western Plus logo and the words “Best Western Plus”. Its purpose is to maintain Best Western Plus brand identity while allowing the hotel to express its individual personality.
This manual is an addendum to the Global Best Western Brand Identity Manual, which applies only to Best Western Plus properties in Asia and the Middle East.
Basic formats and designs presented in this manual cover PRINTED MATERIALS ONLY, from stationery to hotel brochures.
For other items (e.g. signage, courtesy vehicles, website branding etc), please refer to the existing Global Best Western Plus Brand Identity Manual.
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Facebook’s mission is to make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.
At Facebook, we build tools that help people to connect with one another and tools that make sharing what they want to share—ideas, stories, and photos—much easier.
By doing this, we are extending people’s capacity to build and maintain relationships.
Use these assets and identity guidelines to accurately communicate the Facebook brand.
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