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A carefully managed and well-implemented brand identity program is essential to presenting a unique, strong and unified image to the world.
The guidelines outlined on the following pages are intended to ensure that the elements of Connecticut’s branding program are used correctly and consistently.
Along with examples of correct usage of the logo, typography, color palette and other elements, specific directions are included to guide the design and production of Connecticut’s tourism communications materials.
Accurate implementation of these brand identity elements will build equity in our brand and strengthen and unify our messages in marketing Connecticut tourism.
We encourage the tourism industry to implement these brand standards throughout all of their promotional materials.
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Putting a face to a name
You work with the best name in the international and offshore legal world. But why stop there when, collectively, we can compete and win in any arena we choose?
Today, it’s not enough that we simply provide the best advice, the most responsive service or offices in all major time zones.
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What is the brand?
The brand is the symbolic embodiment of all the information connected with a product or service. A brand typically includes a name, logo, and other visual elements such as images or symbols. However, it also encompasses the set of expectations associated with a product or service which arise in the minds of consumers.
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This manual serves as the SHRM Graphic Standards and Use Requirements referred to in the SHRM chapter and state council charter. Proper use of registered marks and images as well as copyrighted information is extremely important. Intellectual property owned by organizations or individuals should never be used without their express permission.
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