est un manuel du musée numérique de la marque. Notre collection comprend : un manuel de la marque, des directives d'identité d'entreprise, des normes graphiques, des directives d'identité visuelle, un ebook de marque, un manuel de marque, une brochure d'image de marque et un guide de style de logo. est un site de collection et de publication de ressources ouvertes. Nous collectons et organisons le contenu, mais nous ne possédons pas les droits d'auteur.
Tous les fichiers, images, fichiers audio/vidéo, marques, traductions de textes et autres éléments de ce site appartiennent à leurs auteurs et propriétaires légitimes. ne revendique en aucun cas le droit d'auteur de ces documents.
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Baylor’s visual identity distills the qualities that make the University unique, and it conveys this “brand” to the world. The promise of academic excellence, Christian commitment, and development and growth of a caring community—these and other attributes of the University come alive in a very real and meaningful way for thousands of people around the world when they see the University seal, the Baylor University wordmark, and other Baylor “marks.”
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Acht Jahre sind vergangen seit der letzten überarbeitung unseres optischen Erscheinungsbilds, des Corporate Designs (CD). Selbst eine altehrwürdige Institution wie die unsere muss mit der Zeit gehen. Unser Umfeld entwickelt sich dynamisch und so war es angezeigt, das CD zu überarbeiten. Ziel war vor allem die Erhahung der Anwendungsfreundlichkeit, was bei einer so heterogenen Organisation kein triviales Unterfangen ist. Je einfacher sich das CD anwenden lasst, desto starker die Prasenz, desto haher die Wirkung.
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Having a visual symbol of our corporate identity serves three purposes. It brings cohesion to the diverse range of material we produce, it identifies us as the originators of the material and it helps keep costs down by saving time in the preparation of specifications.
This guide provides simple, brief advice on how to use our visual identity. I would be grateful if you could read it and refer to it whenever you commission or prepare material, including stationery and electronic publishing.
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With more than 20,000 Members and more than 117 Chapters all around the world, maintaining the International Coach Federation (ICF) brand can be a difficult task. Without your help, ICF would not be able to present a cohesive message. Consistent ICF logos, colors, fonts, and communications enable ICF to maintain a clear, recognizable and unified brand identity, both within the ICF community and with all of our constituency groups. This document provides guidelines for the articulation of the ICF brand so that together we can advocate for coaching in one strong, unified voice.
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