es un Manual de Marca del Museo Digital. Nuestra colección incluye: manual de marca, pautas de identidad corporativa, estándares gráficos, pautas de identidad visual, libro electrónico de marca, manual de marca, folleto de imagen de marca y guía de estilo de logotipo. es un sitio de publicación y recopilación de recursos abiertos. Recopilamos y organizamos el contenido, pero no somos propietarios de los derechos de autor.
Todos los archivos, imágenes, archivos de audio / video, marcas registradas, traducciones de texto y otros materiales en este sitio pertenecen a sus legítimos autores y propietarios. en ningún caso reclama los derechos de autor de estos materiales.
Bienvenido a unirse a nuestro Plan de suscripción para apoyarnos, puede descargar el manual de marca en PDF.
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Hemos seleccionado cuidadosamente a partir de una gran cantidad de manual de marca ( directrices de identidad corporativa de la marca ) , proporcione la simple descripción y el enlace de descarga . Haga clic aquí para ir al recomendar la página .
Whether we like it or not, first impressions count.
To help control that impression among external audiences, brands are created to embody the positive spirit of a company and the nature of its business. Once that brand has been created, it needs to be carefully monitored and adhered to by all stakeholders within the company. Whatever the members of the company do - be it sending a letter, placing an advertisement, attending a meeting or telling a friend about what they do at work - a consistent message should be communicated and the same positive impression should be created.
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We're different
No matter what, we always have our customers' backs. On top of making the best buses in the world, every employee delivers service that goes beyond the bus itself. It’s part of the reason we have the best employees in the world. And it’s why customers know we always have them in mind whenever we make a decision that may impact them. This is what separates us from the competition.
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The corporative style guide is a reference document that includes useful information and templates to assist you in creating various documents. Correct and consistent use of our logo and adherence to these corporate branding guidelines will help to raise public awareness and appreciation of the work that we do.
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It’s been a long day already and the brisk wind that nips at your neck seems to remind you of all the work that has yet to be done. But you had to make a run for it, those four walls were beginning to close in on you. Go for a walk, you thought; everyone needs a breather once in awhile, in fact, you deserve it.
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