Welcome to the Graphic Standards Guide for the Atkins School District Brand/Identity package. Each component detailed within this guide has been developed through a process involving input from the school district administration and personnel, as well as the district's Boord of Education and people within the community. The graphic package was officially adopted in October, 2013, by the district's Boord of Education; therefore, this guide will serve as the standard for all graphic representations of each school included.
Atkins School District Brand Identity Graphic Standards Guide
The guide hos been published to assist businesses, individuals and organizations which utilize the school district's brand, and is intended to help them apply the graphics accurately and in accordance with the standards detailed in the guide. The Brand/Identity package will help elevate each school's identity, energize the student body and boost community spirit. For the school district to fully realize these benefits and achieve the maximum value of the new brand, individuals utilizing them should strictly follow the standards set forth.
The logos, type-faces and colors hove been carefully developed to give the district o distinct image, while also enhancing the "value" of the district's brand over time. Therefore, it is very important that anyone utilizing these brands strictly adhere to the uniform look and colors of each logo enclosed. The colors represent the traditional colors used by the Atkins School District throughout most of its recent history, although they have now been standardized by identification with the Pantone Matching System (PMS color).
Please remember to always follow the specific details provided in the guide. Should you ever have a question about the district's Brand Identity, Contact the Superintendent or Athletic Director of the district. The Atkins School District thanks you for your cooperative compliance with these guidelines.